
Free unlock your AT&T phone

Posted in Mobile Unlock on 09/06/24 02:23 am

Unlock eligibility requirements

Your device:

Is an AT&T phone or device and isn’t active on another AT&T account.

Has a paid-off installment plan:

Paid through your monthly bill: Submit your unlock request at the start of your next bill period.

Paid off early: The wireless number assigned to the device must be active for at least 60 days. Wait 48 hours after you make your final payment to submit your unlock request.

Was paid in full when you bought it (it was not purchased on an installment plan). You must wait 60 days from your purchase date to submit an unlock request.

Hasn\\\\\\\'t been reported as lost, stolen, or involved with fraud.

Doesn’t have a past-due account balance. (Make a payment to bring your account current. It may take up to 24 hours to post.)

Is an AT&T Prepaid® phone with a Prepaid SIM and six months of service on the AT&T network. You must submit your unlock request using the most recent version of the AT&T Device Unlock app.

Good to know

Called to active military duty? Submit your temporary or permanent change-of-station info. You won’t have to complete your installment agreement or contract to unlock your device.

Have a business-owned device? Your company must approve an unlock request.

Unlock your device